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•   Larry Kubert  10/3
•   Luis Morales (56th Wrs)  9/18
•   Robert Monroe  9/10
•   Dr. David La Pointe, SMSgt  8/9
•   Robert Bushman  8/9
•   William J. Hall  8/8
•   Lawrence Taylor (Larry)  5/24
•   Eugene Lemon  5/19
•   David Ames  4/11
•   Ronald E. Hawkins (Na)  4/6
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

15 live in Alabama
2 live in Alaska
43 live in Arizona
17 live in Arkansas
1 lives in Armed Forces Europe
3 live in Armed Forces Pacific
141 live in California
19 live in Colorado
9 live in Connecticut
14 live in Delaware
102 live in Florida
41 live in Georgia
12 live in Hawaii
6 live in Idaho
31 live in Illinois
27 live in Indiana
9 live in Iowa
12 live in Kansas
16 live in Kentucky
9 live in Louisiana
5 live in Maine
16 live in Maryland
15 live in Massachusetts
29 live in Michigan
14 live in Minnesota
8 live in Mississippi
24 live in Missouri
3 live in Montana
4 live in Nebraska
19 live in Nevada
8 live in New Hampshire
21 live in New Jersey
14 live in New Mexico
41 live in New York
35 live in North Carolina
3 live in North Dakota
35 live in Ohio
22 live in Oklahoma
20 live in Oregon
35 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Puerto Rico
4 live in Rhode Island
39 live in South Carolina
5 live in South Dakota
22 live in Tennessee
92 live in Texas
4 live in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
31 live in Virginia
27 live in Washington
6 live in West Virginia
20 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Costa Rica
1 lives in Guatemala
1 lives in Israel
1 lives in Italy
5 live in Japan
2 live in Thailand
1 lives in United Kingdom
1 lives in Viet Nam
61 location unknown
648 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing 610 MASS Alumni? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined 610 MASS Alumni: 45.9%

A:   573   Joined
B:   676   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

An * in front of a link indicates the link is viewable only to members who are registered and logged in. Click on "610 MASS".

This website is dedicated to all personnel who served in the 610 MASS at Yokota AB, Japan.  Please join us by filling out your profile so that you can gain access to the complete website. We're in the process of building this site for you to visit and enjoy so please be patient as we develop it and come back often to look for new updates.


The 610th Military Airlift Support Squadron (MASS) was activated on 8 April 1966 and deactivated on 1 October 1978. Its mission was to provide direct support to the Far East which included Vietnam , Japan and Korea. It handled approximately 126,000 passengers and 16,000 tons of cargo a month. (Ref: Stars & Stripes 07/23/69) It also earned six Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards.

Our members were very proud to support the air evacuations of the wounded from Vietnam, many of which had been wounded only hours before being evacuated. It was also a great honor to support the aircraft bringing back the brave members of the military who had given their lives. All of our members supported these missions tirelessly, in many different ways, and would do what ever it took to see that they were successfully accomplished. 

Go to your profile and indicate if you’re thinking about attending next year’s reunion or not. It will give us a rough estimate on the number of members planning to attend.


We now have copies (150 weeks) of the 1969 through 1971 weekly Afterburner & FUJI FLYER Yokota base newspapers available for you to look at. Sign in and look at “More Information” on the left side of this page for information on how to access them. 

Ever wonder about the history of Yokota. Here's a link to the Wikipedia article on Yokota AB:

  smileysmileycool Over 410 610 MASS folks are on our Facebook page. You can find us @ Friends of 610MASS (Yokota AB Japan) This is the link. Join us.

We need your help in locating other members of the 610 MASS. We've added a page on the left hand side titled "HELP US FIND THEM." It has partial information on members. We need additional information on. See if you can help us.


If you ever get a chance to visit the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson AF Base in Dayton, Ohio be sure to take a look at our plaque, see above, which was dedicated on September 28, 2005.  It's located in the Memorial Park on Wall #2-048. See picture below for the exact location. 
To see pictures of the dedication ceremony, go to "YOKOTA PICTURES" and you'll find the password needed to access the web site in the first paragraph. Then select this website 
and use the password to gain access

                610 MASS Alumni Association Members
Chairman & Reunion Coordinator
Vernon Habeck
PO Box 21
Plymouth, WI 53073
(920) 254-3393
Newsletter Publisher & Personnel Coordinator
None at this time.
Harold Mitchell (Mitch)
849 Daffodil Drive 
Vacaville, CA. 95687



Doug Ferry  10/22
Wendell Gabler  10/22
Nichole Forehand  10/23
Ed Affolter Affolter  10/25
Dennis Campbell  10/26
Clarence Aragon  10/27
David Bomberger  10/27
Craig Dale  10/27
Robert Oostdyk  10/28
Lawrence Lee  10/29
Clarence W. Robinson  10/29
Michael Dressen  10/30
Jerry Hagoort  10/30
Billy Huff (Huff)  10/31
Armand Dion  11/1
Ray Wik  11/2
Mel Stensrud  11/3
Robert Allen  11/5
Russell Payne  11/5
Don Dutton { Apg }  11/6

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