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1966 - 1978
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610 MASS Alumni In California: 141
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David F. Abercrombie
James Algar
Robert Allen
Richard Anderson
Stephen Arruda
Rudolph Arsaga
Thomas Asbell
Fred Baclig
Ronald Bechler
Floyd S. Berringer
John Betts
Randy Bloomfield
Frank J. Boniello
John M. Boyce
Matthew Bradfield
William Brunst
Donald Buchanan
Edward Buchannan
Michael Bunyak (Avionics …
Gilbert Burke
Dennis Campbell
Gaillane Chock
Ken Clark
Allan L. Clegg (60550)
Larry Clements
Vincent S. Collins
James A. Comer
James A. Comer
George Coward
Jim (James) Cranston (C…)
Norlan Crim
William Cummings
Charles Cusick
Caldwell Davis
Jerry Davis
Mike Deferrrari
William Dime
Ernest Dix
Kent Draper
Oliver Echivarre
Donald L. Eck
Charles Epps
Jay Ferrier
Peter Foskett
Kerry L. French
Allen Fukunaga
Matthew E. Gale
Ronald Gerber
Ronnie L. Gill
Richard Glod
Thomas Goedeke
Dennis M. Gunnerson
Robert Gwinner
Alonza (Lonnie) Hardman
Larry Hawks
Gary Hendrickson
Marvin Hibbs
Steven Hirose
Steve R. Hoyland
Lear Hummel
Emory E. Jackson
Arnold Jansen
Howard J. Jennings
Carlton Jessie
Joseph Johnson
Wayne Karchesky
John Keesor (Keesor)
Russell Keith Kelly
Harry Kenyon
Art LaMothe
John Lane
Ernest (Ernie) Lastra
Kip Leggett
Joseph LeGovan
Eugene Lemon
Wiliam G. Lies
John Love
Ed Lutes
Edward Majors
Eugene V. Malikowski
Joseph Maroney
Michael Martnick
Sonny Masaniai
Ray Mask
Richard Mathisrud
Raymond Mc Manus
Martin P. McLaughlin
Michael A. Merritt
Chris Mezzapelle
David Mitchell
Harold Mitchell (Apg)
Rion Moore
Lawrence Morreira
Kirk Morri
Joseph T. Morris
Randall B. Moss
Randall B. Moss
Albion Murphy
Robert Murray
Wallace W. Nevitt
Gary Niswonger
Carlos Obando
John Peck
Max Perry
Larry H. Peuse
Kenneth Polite
Leon P. Powers
Roger B. Pryor
Matti Raivo (Matti Raivio)
Albert Reft
Brady L. Richardson
Ted E. Richey
Patrick Riordan
Thomas Roney
Albert Roughton
Luis Ruiz de Chavez
Kelly K. Russell
Bernard Salviejo
Daniel B. Segovia
Roderick Shirley
Steven L. Smith
Theodore Smith
Daryl Smithson
Harvey Solomon
Pete Steel
Ed Strahan
Jerry Strayhand
Joeseph Stupka
Ronald Sturm
Phillip A. Tatman
Roy Truitt
Vernon Upton
John Vendetti
Raymond A. Ventura
Gary L. Vogt
Steve Wallace
Daniel W. Ward "("rdr")"
William Wilson
Fred H. Yang
Aaron K. Yoshida
Sheldon Yost