610 MASS Alumni
1966 - 1978
Mario Gasparotto
Mario's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Apr 18, 2023 at 3:33 AM
Happy Belated Birthday old buddy. God bless you.
Posted on: Oct 15, 2020 at 10:49 AM
Hi Gabe.
Happy birthday to the guy who got me liking Country Western music. :)
How have you been my friend? I've been hoping to hear from you when you come back to Michigan. If you make it back here please give me a call (586 215 5369). It would be great to catch up an do a little reminiscing about Yakota.
God bless and keep you my old friend.
Mario Gasparotto
Hey Gabe! Happy to hear you have been promoted to RETIREMENT! Congratulations!. I did it 30 June 2014. Any plans on coming back to Michigan ... even for a visit? If so, I'd love to see you and catch up. You take care now and God bless you and yours. Mario Gasparotto
Posted on: Apr 18, 2015 at 3:33 AM
Posted on: Nov 15, 2014 at 11:05 AM
Happy Birthday Craig.
You probably don't remember me, because you were a short timer when I got to YOKOTA in April of 69. I think you were roommates with Allen Fukunaka. Anyway, my memory of meeting you was you were laying in your bunk and told me a joke... why don't they allow helicopters in Italy: then you said because the big blade goes WHOP WHOP and the little blade goes GUINEE GUINEE GUINIEE. And then you had to explain to me, of Italian descent, what a guinee was. (Never said I was smart) :) Anyway, your name popped up on my 610 MASS account and I just thought I'd say hi. Glad to see your still around I'll add a picture of me around that time... It may jog your memory. It was taken after I left YOKOTA and was in Nam with the 617 MASS. Take care and may God bless you and yours. I am on the top photo; in the middle photo I'm on the left, and in the bottom photo I'm on the left. I had to send all three as that's the way they were sent to me.
Take care and GOD bless you with many more birthdays
Mario Gasparotto
Hey Glenn! You look great! I can still see that young kid I knew while at Yokota. Hope to see you again someday. Spoke to Tom Spillars about a year ago. He still lives in Old Town Fla. . If you get a chance, drop me a line. mario1.gasparotto@ gmail.com or otto49@outlook.com You take care. Lord bless you and yours.