Do you have any favorite stories or notable events to tell us about while you were at Yokota?
Yokota was my first overseas assignment. I arrived there in February, '75 and left in Jan '78. I had two stripes when I arrived and left with four. I drove taxi part time. I lived in a lot house at Tachikawa for some time. I also lived on the economy, just outside Yokota and in base housing, near the BX. I had lots of friends there but lost contact with all of them. I was married and we had a newborn daughter (1976) who we adopted in the PI. My previous assignment was Nellis, NV. My subsequent assignments were Wurtsmith, Zaragoza, McGuire, Sondrestrom, MacDill, Howard, Soto Cano, and Tinker. I retired in '97 and I live in the outskirts of Oklahoma City. Japan was a great assignment but I was kind of poor there. Overall, we still did okay and I've too many memories to list here.